Joe Jenne


standard ebooks of interest:

================== History =======================
* Sapiens - Yuval Noah Harari
* The Long War - Terry Pratchet
* The Problem of Pain - C.S. Lewis
* SPQR - Mary Beard

================= Now Reading ====================
* Wolf Hall - Hilary Mantel
* Ayoade on Top - Richard Ayoade
* Small Gods - Terry Pratchet
* The Dawn of Everything - David Graeber

=================== Up Next ======================
* The Places in Between - Rory Stewart
* The Iliad - Homer tr. Rieu
* The Four - Scott Galloway
* The Black Swan - Nassim Taleb
* Divine Comedy - Dante
* Greek History - Robin Osborne
* Heart of Darkness - Joseph Conrad
* Crime and Punishment - Dostoyevsky
* Guns Germs and Steel - Jared Diamond
* Why Nations Fail - Daron Acemoglu
* Digital Minimalism - Cal Newport
* The Leopard - di Lampedusa
* Dune - Frank Herbert
* The Road - Cormac McCarthy
* Spin - Robert Charles Wilson
